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Industrial Design Ad-hoc

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Tailor-made solutions for each project.

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Large-scale projects require predicting the engineering challenges that may arise during implementation. At Optimus we know this and are prepared to design and produce ad-hoc solutions to overcome these drawbacks while minimizing unforeseen deviations as much as possible. 

Our foundations

  1. Safety and health

    These are our main and basic objectives, which are the basis of our designs related to the handling of suspended loads.

  2. Efficiency

    Our tools facilitate the maneuvers to be carried out with a much lower cost of lifting equipment.

  3. Ecosystem

    We have a large and experienced network of partners that allow us to offer very specific solutions aligned with the strategy of our clients..

Development of own and third-party tools

Each project, each context requires a specific and in many cases unique approach. At Optimus we have the capability to design and manufacture safety oriented and cost saving tooling. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and offer them the best solution in terms of safety, robustness, modularity, size, weight, performance and price. Our multidisciplinary team of engineers, crane operators and designers offers us an unrivalled perspective to devise unique, but above all real and efficient solutions.

  1. Materials and Manufacturing

    We take charge of and supervise the manufacture of the solutions, carry out behavioral simulations with specialized software, evaluate different construction processes, and select the best suppliers.

  2. Testing and approvals

    We study the necessary tests to obtain the required certifications. We have a close relationship with national and international laboratories and Technology Centers that can carry out this work.

  3. Industrial Protection

    We verify that our developments do not collide with existing patents. We detail the parts that make up a tooling to our clients, which may contain a high percentage of inventive components that are susceptible of being patented and we manage the obtaining of these patents if the client so requires.

  4. Design and production consultancy

    We participate in specific phases of the design when it is developed by other companies to provide our user vision, and our health and safety considerations, based on our combined experience.

We can carry out objective studies related to technical, theoretical and, if necessary, practical feasibility studies for the preparation of manuals and procedures for the assembly, handling and use of all types of tools.